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Facebook Tutup Tanggal 5 November 2011 |
However, Eugene Kaspersky, co-founder and CEO of Kaspersky Lab and a security expert, poured scorn on the threat and used Twitter to say: 'The news around #Anonymous to attack #Facebook on Nov 5 most probably is fake.'
Bukan kali ini terdengar isu bahwa Facebook akan tutup dengan berbagai macam spekulasi penyebabnya, tapi mungkin isu kali inilah yang paling senter dibicarakan dikarenakan keterkaitannya dengan salah satu Organisasi hacker yang sudah tidak diragukan lagi sepak terjangnya di dunia per-hacker-an. Komunitas peretas bernama "Anoymous", bahkan baru-baru ini terdengar bahwa mereka "Anoymous" membidik sasarannya untuk Nato. Walaupun ada juga tersiar kabar bahwa terkadang gertakan mereka "Anoymous" hanyalah Omong Kosong.
Alasan mereka mengapa meng-hack Facebook..., mari kita simak video dibawah ini.
Anoymous berkata:
"Attention citizens of the world, we are anonymous. We wish to get your attention hoping you heed the warnings as follows. Your medium of communication you all so dearly adore will be destroyed. If you're a willing activist or a guy who just wants to protect the freedom of information then join the cause and kill Facebook for the sake of your own privacy. Facebook has been selling information to government agencies and giving clandestine access to information security firms so they can spy on people from all around the world.
Some of these so called white audience those experiments are working for a former cherian governments such as those of the gypped and Syria everything you do on Facebook stays on Facebook regardless of your privacy settings and deleting your account is impossible even if you delete your accounts all your personal info stays on Facebook and can be recovered at anytime changing the privacy settings to you'll make your Facebook account more privates is also a delusion Facebook knows more about you that your family you cannot hide from the reality in which you the people of the INTERNET live in Facebook is the opposite of the edges etc calls you were not safe from them nor from any governments one day you will look back on the case and realize what we have done here is right. Think for a while and prepare for a day that we all go down in history: November 5th 2011.
Perhatikan kalimat yang di Bold diatas, disitu tertulis:
Facebook has been selling information to government agencies and giving clandestine access to information security firms so they can spy on people from all around the world.
on Facebook regardless of your privacy settings and deleting your account is impossible even if you delete your accounts all your personal info stays on Facebook and can be recovered at anytime changing the privacy settings to you'll make your Facebook account more privates is also a delusion Facebook knows more about you that your family you cannot hide from the reality.
Itulah sebabnya mengapa "Anoymous" ingin meng-hack Facebook.
Tapi Betulkah demikian bahwa seluruh data-data pribadi pengguna Facebook telah di sadap dan dijual ke agen-agen rahasia walaupun data-data tersebut dihapus oleh siempunya Akun..??
untuk menjawab tuduhan tersebut mari kita baca artikel berita dari CNN yang saya nukilkan secara singkat.
CNN - "We do not share your personal information with people or services you don't want," Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg wrote in an opinion piece for the Washington Post last year. "We do not give advertisers access to your personal information. We do not and never will sell any of your information to anyone."
Video diatas juga diragukan keasliannya berasal dari "Anoymous" kata Eugene Kaspersky, pendiri dan CEO dari Kaspersky Lab dan seorang ahli keamanan, Liat selengkapnya di dailymail klik disini untuk menerjemah berita tersebut. Liat berita versi lainnya disini yang menunjukkan bahwa "Anoymous" tidak mampu menembus pertahanan Facebook. Kesemuanya itu sebenarnya hanyalah salah paham seperti yang di katakan salah seorang anggota "Anoymous" saya nukilkan perkataannya:
An Anonymous member named Speakeasy laid the whole story out in a document posted to Pastebin today. In an IRC chat today, Speakeasy said that "Operation Facebook" was launched months ago by him and about 10-20 other people in a room on the Anonymous chat server. However, their goal was not to "destroy" Facebook. The main purpose was to "bring awareness to Facebook keeping data even after you delete an account," Speakeasy said. (Facebook saves your personal information and continues to use it for data mining even if you delete your account.)
The group planned a two-pronged approach: They would 1) urge Facebook users to delete their profiles on November 5th as protest and 2) develop their own, privacy-friendly social networking alternative to Facebook. But in Mid-July Speakeasy and his buddies got bored of Operation Facebook and decided to shut it down. They turned the early code for their social network over to another group, Anonplus, and that, they thought, was that.
Bahkan dalam Twitter "Anoymous" telah tertulis:
CNN - "We do not share your personal information with people or services you don't want," Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg wrote in an opinion piece for the Washington Post last year. "We do not give advertisers access to your personal information. We do not and never will sell any of your information to anyone."
Video diatas juga diragukan keasliannya berasal dari "Anoymous" kata Eugene Kaspersky, pendiri dan CEO dari Kaspersky Lab dan seorang ahli keamanan, Liat selengkapnya di dailymail klik disini untuk menerjemah berita tersebut. Liat berita versi lainnya disini yang menunjukkan bahwa "Anoymous" tidak mampu menembus pertahanan Facebook. Kesemuanya itu sebenarnya hanyalah salah paham seperti yang di katakan salah seorang anggota "Anoymous" saya nukilkan perkataannya:
An Anonymous member named Speakeasy laid the whole story out in a document posted to Pastebin today. In an IRC chat today, Speakeasy said that "Operation Facebook" was launched months ago by him and about 10-20 other people in a room on the Anonymous chat server. However, their goal was not to "destroy" Facebook. The main purpose was to "bring awareness to Facebook keeping data even after you delete an account," Speakeasy said. (Facebook saves your personal information and continues to use it for data mining even if you delete your account.)
The group planned a two-pronged approach: They would 1) urge Facebook users to delete their profiles on November 5th as protest and 2) develop their own, privacy-friendly social networking alternative to Facebook. But in Mid-July Speakeasy and his buddies got bored of Operation Facebook and decided to shut it down. They turned the early code for their social network over to another group, Anonplus, and that, they thought, was that.
Bahkan dalam Twitter "Anoymous" telah tertulis:
Anoymous berkata:
Greetings world, we are Anonymous.
There have been rumors of an impending attack on Facebook by Anonymous. This, however, is not true.
Though we do not agree with Facebook's privacy procedures, we understand that such an attack would not only hurt the people, but also weaken our cause.
By the same token, though, there may very well be an attack on Facebook. Anyone can call themselves Anonymous, and do what they will, but the collective will of Anonymous is that Facebook should be left alone.
We would ask any such hactivists to not do this attack in the name of Anonymous. Facebook allows friends and families to connect with one another. Anonymous understand the importance of this.
On November 5th, let us celebrate everything Anonymous and freedom fighters around the world have accomplished, and renew our zeal for freedom. Let us not tarnish our reputation by participating in this meaningless attack.
The Legion has spoken.
We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect Us.
Ada Perbedaan yang sangat mencolok dari Video Pertama dan Kedua Video kedua, Apa itu...?? *smile
Sumber : HOAX, Besok Tanggal 5 November 2011 Facebook 'Kiamat'
+ Create Comment + 11 Responses so far.
mantap, artikelnya detail dan komplit banget. Salam kenal yah...
kalaupun FB sdh tdk ada lg y gak pa2 dech,
sebenarx masih ada bbrp bukti tp sengaja gk ditampilkan soalx ntr kepanjangan..., makasih ya dah mampir & komen
Saudara al kahfi@
klo gk ada FB kemungkinan besar trafic blog sy bisa turun 50%, soalx trafic terbesar blog ini emank dpt dr FB..,
tp masih ada jurus lain ko'...., *smile
makasih ya dah mampir & komen
tak ada FB kita beralih ke google + :P
kadang-kadang apa yang dianggap hanya isapan jempol belaka bisa berubah jadi kenyataan suatu waktu nanti :)
gak mungkin lah FB di hack,, sehebat apa tuh anonim mau ngehack FB,, wkkwkwk,, thx infonya gan,, met hari raya juga
wkwkwkw,, FB adminnya hebat2,, kecil bgt kemungkinannya tuh :D
BlogS of Hariyanto@
betul sob...,dah pasti bhwa tdk mnjdi kenyataan bahwa FB akan mati tgl 5 nov 2011
Fb patilah dah mempersiapkan segala kemungkinan2 yg terjadi..., tp namax juga IT gk ada yg gk bisa di jebol...
iya tp sepandai2 tupai melompat akan jatuh jua.., mgkn kali ini blum ada yg sanggup tembus FB tp sapa tau kedepanx ada...
makasih ya dah mampir & komen
FB membantu kita untuk saling mengenal juga bisa menemukan pada rekan yang sdh lama tak jumpa
sentuhan ajaib pasutri@
betul.., hub silaturahim bisa kembali terjalin
thx ya dah singgah & komen
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